Bazo works center upon the idea of eternal motion and reincarnation as symbolized by the form of the circle, an essential image both in the nomadic philosophy of the Mongols and Buddhism. In this sense, the circle has multiple meanings in his work – it is at once a representation of Mongolian history through the millennia, a personal quest for meaning as well as an artistic element full of possibilities. Bazo has exhibited extensively both in Mongolia and abroad, including solo exhibitions at Red Ger Creative Space, 976 Art Gallery, Xanadu Art Gallery, Gallery of Union of Mongolian Artists and Globus Gallery in St. Petersburg, Russia and group exhibitions held in Mongolia, Singapore, China, Japan, Korea, Finland, Hong Kong, Germany, France, Thailand, and USA. Bazo has received numerous awards, including Best Artwork of the Year 2007 and 2010 from the National Modern Art Gallery of Mongolia and participated in international residency programs in Jeju, South Korea, Pori City, Finland and Stichting Kaus Àustralis Studio, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Formerly a director of the Blue Sun Contemporary Art Center, Bazo was born and grew up in Erdenetsagaan, a small village of Sukhbaatar province in the eastern Mongolia. In the late 1990s, he attended the Setgemj Industrial Design Art College, then shifted to the Institute of Fine Arts in Ulaanbaatar and graduated in 2004 with a BA degree in mural painting. Emerged as one of the pioneering figures of the contemporary art scene in Mongolia, Bazo worked together with Dalkh-Ochir Yondonjunai, Enkhbold Togmidshiirev, Ganzug Sedbazar and other peer artists, playing important role in introducing various forms of artistic expression such as performance art, land art, installation, and media art, which were new phenomenon in the post socialist Mongolia.
1999-2004 Mural Painting, Institute of Fine Art, University of Culture and Arts, Mongolia
1997-1999 Setgemj, Industrial Design Art College, Mongolia
Work Experience
2013 till now member of Steering Committee of Union of Mongolian Artists
2012 till now member of Blue Sun Contemporary Art Center
2009-2012 Chairman, Blue Sun Contemporary Art Center
Solo Exhibitions
2019 1×2 Repetition 1×2, Red Ger Creative Space, ACM, Ulaanbaatar
2014 Shape with No Form, 976 Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar
2011 Echo+Bio+UB=2011, Xanadu Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2009 1×2 Repetition 2×1, Xanadu Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2007 Art of Bazo, Art Gallery of UMA, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2007 1×45 Cycle, Globus Gallery, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Group Exhibitions
2021 Art Week, organized by the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar
2017 Chongju Biennale, Korea
2017 Together, National Museum of Fine Arts, Shanghai, China
2016 Contemporary Art of Mongolia IV, 976 Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar
2015 North Art International Exhibition, Dusseldorf, Germany
2016 Contemporary Art of Mongolia, Art Gallery of UMA, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2016 Silk Road, Art Gallery of UMA, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2016 Nord Art, international exhibition, Dusseldorf, Germany
2015 International exhibition at JIA Pingwa Cultural Museum, China
2015 Exhibition dedicated to 50 Anniversary of France Mongolian Relation, Saint-Cloud Gallery, France
2016 Nord Art, international exhibition, Dusseldorf, Germany
2014 Or, Art Gallery of UMA, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2014 Black & White, Marshall Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2013 Nomadic Spirit, French Mongolian exhibition, National Modern Art Gallery, Mongolia
2013 Contemporary art of Mongolia, МС Gallery, New York, USA
2013 Time and Space, Red Ger Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2012 27th Asian International exhibition, Ratchadamnoen Contemporary Art Center, Bangkok, Thailand
2013 Contemporary Art of Mongolia, 976 Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2012 Land Art Mongolia 3600, National Modern Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2011 Art Camp by Blue Sun Art, Xanadu Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2011 Best Art of the Year, National Modern Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2011 Modern Mongolia from Steppe to Urban Dynamics, Schoene Gallery, Hong Kong
2010 Mongolia & Mongolia, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China
2010 Land Art Mongolia 3600, National Modern Art Gallery, Mongolia
2010 25th Asian International Art Exhibition, National Modern Art Gallery, Mongolia
2010 Time & Space, Red Ger Gallery, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
2010 Time & Space, Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Jeju, South Korea
2010 Blue Sun-Best Art, iLoft Function House, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2010 Bare House Project, Poritaidemuseo, Poriginal Gallery, Finland
2010 Mongolian Art, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China
2009 Mongolian Art Party, Street Exhibition, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2009 Mongolian Artists Joint Exhibition, Singapore
2008 Mongolian Perception and Utopia, Kerava Art Museum, Finland
2008 Mongolian Artists Joint Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan
2008 Mongolian Contemporary Art, Art Gallery of UMA, Mongolia
2007 Art Forum, Xanadu Art Gallery, Mongolia
2007 Brand of Mongolia, Art Gallery of UMA, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2006 Land Art, Art Gallery of UMA, Mongolia
2006 Spring, Art Gallery of UMA, Mongolia
2006 Blue Sky, Globus Gallery, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2006 Great Mongol, Art Gallery of UMA, Mongolia
2005 Spring, Art Gallery of UMA, Mongolia
2005 Autumn, Art Gallery of UMA, Mongolia
2005 Best Artworks of the Year, Art Gallery of UMA, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2004 Best Artworks of the Year, Art Gallery of UMA, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2006 Line, Xanadu Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2003 Spring, Art Gallery of UMA, Mongolia
2013 Nomad Studio Residence Project by Arts Council of South Korea and Mongolia
2010 Time & Space, Nomadic Artists Residency Program in Mongolia
2010 Time & Space, Nomadic Artists Residency Program in Jeju, South Korea
2010 Finland, Pori City (1 months)
2009 Stichting Kaus Àustralis Studio, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (3 months)
2017 Leading Cultural Worker by Ministry of Culture
2014 Best Artwork of the Year, Union of Mongolian Artists
2010 Best Artwork of the Year, National Modern Art Gallery, Mongolia
2007 Best Artwork of the Year, National Modern Art Gallery, Mongolia
2005 First Prize, Spring Exhibition by UMA, Mongolia
International Press & Publications
Brooklyn Rail – Art Seen: Letter from UlanBator
Bare House by Anu Wilenius
She is a successful young talent in contemporary art and has exhibited her artworks in many countries, including China, Korea, Japan, Nepal, Russia, France, Arabia, Sweden, Belgium and Germany. She lives and works in Mongolia.
She is a successful young talent in contemporary art and has exhibited her artworks in many countries, including China, Korea, Japan, Nepal, Russia, France, Arabia, Sweden, Belgium and Germany. She lives and works in Mongolia.
She is a successful young talent in contemporary art and has exhibited her artworks in many countries, including China, Korea, Japan, Nepal, Russia, France, Arabia, Sweden, Belgium and Germany. She lives and works in Mongolia.
She is a successful young talent in contemporary art and has exhibited her artworks in many countries, including China, Korea, Japan, Nepal, Russia, France, Arabia, Sweden, Belgium and Germany. She lives and works in Mongolia.
She is a successful young talent in contemporary art and has exhibited her artworks in many countries, including China, Korea, Japan, Nepal, Russia, France, Arabia, Sweden, Belgium and Germany. She lives and works in Mongolia.

oil on canvas 105×105

oil on canvas 50×50

SPOT 2014
oil on canvas 130×130

CIRCLE 1, 2011
oil on canvas 90×90

oil on canvas 105×105

oil on canvas 90×90

oil on canvas 170×170

CIRCLE 3, 2011
oil on canvas 90×90