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Shijirbaatar Jambalsuren

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born in 1987

2016     Board Member & Artist of New Century Art Association


Present     Doctorate of Art Critic, National University of Mongolia
2012     Master of Art History, National University of Mongolia
2009     Bachelor Degree, School of Fine Arts at the Mongolian University of Arts and Culture


Solo Exhibitions

2018     Chill and Lull, Art Space 976+, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2015     Hidden Manners, Q – ART Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


Group Exhibitions

2019     Mongolian Transylvanian Artists Exchange Program, Mongolia and Transylvania

2019     The World Bank Group Art Program, Washington, USA

2019     Busan Art Festival, Busan, South Korea

2018     Ulaanbaatar Art Festival, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2018     One State, One Road, Shanghai, China

2017     Beijing Biennale, Beijing China

2017     Contemporary Art, Art Gallery of UMA, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2017     Japan-Mongolia joint exhibition, Tokyo, Japan

2016     New Wave, Busan, South Korea

2015     Silk Road, Khukh Hot, China

2015     International Exhibition, Daejeon, South Korea

2015     Modern Times, National Modern Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2014     Mongolian Brand, Marshall Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2014     Grand Art Exhibition, MMAG, Mongolia

2013     Best Art Work of the Year, National Modern Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2012     Sand Tsunami, for the World Day to Combat Desertification, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2011     Is Fire, National Modern Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2010     New Ar, Fine Arts Museum of Zanabazar, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2010     New Art, Art Gallery of UMA, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2009     Closed, Blue Sun Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2009     MGL 78-87, Fine Arts Museum of Zanabazar, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2008-2010     To be continued, Xanadu Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia



2016     Gangwon Environmental Installation Art, Seoul, South Korea

2013     Nomadic Art Residency, Umnugovi province, Mongolia
2011     Young Leaders Program by Arts Council of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


Art Projects
2011     Little Sun, visual art project, Mongolian Cancer Study Center, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2012     Don`t Be Afraid, donated for Mother and Children`s Center, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2008     Made Crag, exterior project, Moscow, Russia
2006     Bird of concealed universe, photo project, Khuvsgul province, Mongolia

[vc_single_image image=”3808″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”link_image”]
Inner Desire 2016 (3 pieces)
mixed media
50×50 cm (1 piece)
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Imagination – 2 2017
mixed media
195×150 cm
[vc_single_image image=”3811″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”link_image”]
Inner Reflection 2019
mixed media
150×195 cm
[vc_single_image image=”3810″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”link_image”]
Tranquility 2016  (2 pieces)
mixed media
295×150 cm (1 piece)
[vc_single_image image=”3805″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”link_image”]
Shadow 2017
mixed media
100×160 cm
[vc_single_image image=”3815″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”link_image”]
Inner Desire 2018
mixed media
200×200 cm
[vc_single_image image=”3818″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”link_image”]
Looking in the Mirror 2019
mixed media
100×70 cm
[vc_single_image image=”3814″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”link_image”]
Inner Desire 2019
mixed media
100×100 cm
[vc_single_image image=”3809″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”link_image”]
Bird 2017
mixed media
70X70 cm
[vc_single_image image=”3817″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”link_image”]
Imagination – 1 2017
mixed media
195×150 cm
[vc_single_image image=”3813″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”link_image”]
Balance 2016
mixed media
270×150 cm
[vc_single_image image=”3812″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”link_image”]
Red Mirror 2019
mixed media
90×90 cm
[vc_single_image image=”3807″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”link_image”]
Soul 2016
mixed media
100×100 cm

Uuriintuya Dagvasambuu | Хадгалагдах | Sep 5 – Oct 5, 2018

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Yo.Tuguldur, G.Munkhbolor and B.Bat-Erdene

Jan 20 – Feb 1, 2020

Uuriintuya Dagvasambuu | Хадгалагдах | Sep 5 – Oct 5, 2018


It might seem curious and peculiar to name this exhibition after a Mongolian word, which is difficult for non-Mongolian speakers to comprehend, let alone explain in terms of meaning and interpretation. While we can provide the obligatory commentary of the exhibition displaying pieces that divulge and expound upon a person’s innermost secrets, possessions, faculties, and thoughts locked within, forever saved within the minds and thoughts people – this time we have opted to slightly eschew from curating the exhibition under a singular meaning, theme, or symbolism.


Instead, we have curated this exhibition by tying the works with a befitting and corollary word and its root composition. I can’t seem to recall where I read it, but apparently the Mongolian world “Хадгалагдах” which means to be saved, was noted as the longest word in the world, which reads the same backward as forward. Following up on this, I have consulted the author and translator M. Saruul-Erdene who works and resides in the United States, who informed me that such words are referred to as “palindromes”. In Mongolian, such words are called “inverse” words. Just to note, the word “Хадгалагдах” isn’t the longest palindrome word in the world, the honor belongs to the Finnish word “Saippuakivikauppias”, as recorded by the Guinness Book of Records.


Most of the works displayed within the “Хадгалагдах – To be saved…” exhibition mimics the word “Хадгалагдах”, in the way that it reflects its unique verbal palindrome composition, where the pieces can be viewed from the perspective where the end and the beginning blur and are in fact the same.


While the concept isn’t new, the curation of the exhibition evolving around the concept of palindrome words felt the most suitable and appropriate in this case. In reference to the artist, even though she might perhaps adopt changes or explore new themes and mediums in the future, from the earliest of her works to the ones she creates presently, I have always enjoyed the consistency they retain, in the sense that they are transparently intertwined, in a way that is truly and uniquely hers.


While D.Uurintuya’s earlier works have reflected ideas and meanings that revolved around the social commentaries of issues, such as society being built upon the basis of nomadic culture, the frustrations of those submerged under the struggles of heavy and imposed traditions, distrust, over-consumption, competitiveness and jealousy, the over-congestion of traffic flow and the accidents it causes amidst teeming construction which spreads like mold spores, and the ironies of living within a overwhelmed and disorderly city despite living within a country that offers incomparable vast stretches of land – this time she presents pieces that are more focused on composition and structure rather than meaning and symbolism.


More often than not, it has become rather typical of the meanings, messages, and symbolism within contemporary art pieces to overshadow the many important facets that make up the piece, such as the structures, concepts, composition, design, color combination, images, and techniques of the work. Thus, for this exhibition we decided to curate pieces, which in D.Uurintuya’s own words are “without any specific or particular meaning or symbolism, but instead features images that have no direct correlation to one another whatsoever, aren’t pre-planned or pre-conceived, yet appear to be created with clear linear composition”. Art, can comprise pieces that are the culmination of tremendous effort and work, yet at the same time, can be pieces that are created simply as an extension of one’s thoughts, as simple as breathing.


Art is complicated, yet not complicated at all. Like what Batbayar Darmin once beautifully wrote, “when an artist seeks to draw a bird, he has to first draw a net, take it out into nature and visualize from afar a bird being caught within the net. If a bird is caught within the net, the artist then has to carefully erase the net, as to not spook the bird, after which the bird comes to life…” – art is just like this, just like how the bird is caught by being saved and saved by being caught – it can become an artistic palindrome.


Batzorig Mart

Essay translated by Dashdulam Budsuren


Artist Uuriintuya is one of a few internationally known artists of Mongolia. Her name was mentioned twice as one of the top 100 female artists in Asia by Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Japan. And her work “Path to Wealth” featured the 8 Asia-Pacific Triennial, organized by Queensland Museum of Modern Art, Australia in 2015.

More about artist

Д.Үүрийнтуяа | Хадгалагдах


Гадныхан бол бараг хэлж чадахааргүй монгол хэлний эл үгээр үзэсгэлэнгээ нэрлэх нь тийм ч тохиромжтой биш санагдаж магад. Хэн нэгний нандин нууцууд, эд хөрөнгө, ер юу ч өөр хэн нэгний сэтгэлд, зүрхэнд, оюун бодолд эсвэл цоожтой саванд хадгалагдаж болдог шиг бүтээлүүд маань хүмүүсийн оюун бодолд үүрд хадгалагдаасай гэсэндээ ийнхүү нэрлэлээ гэх мэтчилэн улиг болсон тайлбар хүчээр хийж болох ч энэ удаад бид ярилцаад зүгээр л ямар нэг утга эсвэл бэлгэдэл бодож сонсголонтойгоор нэрлэдэг зарчмаас бага зэрэг гажихаар шийдсэн хэрэг. Утга гэхээсээ илүү үгийн бүтвэр нь энэ үзэсгэлэнгийн зургуудтай зохицохоор санагдсан болоод л тэр.


Монгол хэлний хадгалагдах хэмээх бусдаар үйлдүүлэх хэвийн үйл үг нь эхнээсээ болон сүүлээсээ адил уншигддаг дэлхийн хамгийн урт үг гэсэн утгатай зүйл хаанаас ч билээ уншиж байсан ч хэл шинжлэлд юу гэж нэрлэдэг зэргийг нь мартчихаж. Тиймээс энэ талаар америкт ажиллаж амьдардаг зохиогч, орчуулагч М.Саруул-Эрдэнээс лавлав. Ийм үгийг хэл шинжлэлд ПАЛИНДРОМ гэж нэрлэдэг. Монголоор бол тонгоруу үг гэж орчуулдаг бөгөөд ХАДГАЛАГДАХ бол дэлхийн хамгийн урт үг биш. Дэлхийн хамгийн урт палиндром бол гиннесийн номонд орсноор финн хэлний SAIPPUAKIVIKAUPPIAS гэсэн үг байдаг гэсэн тун чиг тодорхой хариулт авлаа.


“Хадгалагдах” үзэсгэлэнгийн ихэнх зургуудын зохиомж яг энэ үгийн бүтэц шиг давтамжууд юм. Мэдээж энэ цоо шинэ юм биш ч түүнд ингэж зохиомжлох нь энэ удаад таалагдсан. Магадгүй дараа нь яаж ч өөрчлөгдөж болох ч би түүний хамгийн анхны бүтээлээс өнөөдрийг хүртэлх бүтээл болгонд нь нэвт хаваастай байдаг зөвхөн түүнийх гэж танигддаг тэр л амьсгаанд нь дуртай.


Д.Үүрийнтуяагийн өмнөх бүтээлүүдэд нүүдлийн соёлын төгсгөл суурин соёлын эхлэл дунд бужигнасан нийгэм, уламжилал нь ихэдсэн (живсэн) хүмүүсийн бухимдал, үл итгэлцэл, хэтийдсэн хэрэглээ, бие биетэйгээ уралдан өрсөлдөх атаа жөтөө, мөөгөнцөр шиг эмх цэгцгүй байшин барилга дундуур чихэлдэх хүн машины урсгал, түгжрэл, аваар осол гэх мэтчилэн хязгааргүй өргөн уудам нутагтай ч чихэлдсэн мэт эмх замбараагүйн тухай сэдвүүд зонхилдог байсан ч энэ удаад бүтээлүүдийнхээ сэдэв, утга санаанд гэхээсээ зохиомж, бүтцэд илүү анхаарал хандуулах барил руу хэлбийсэн.


Ер нь ч контемпорари урлагт бүтээлийн утга санаа, бэлгэдэл нь тухайн бүтээлийн структур, консепт, зохиомж, шийдэл, өнгө, дүрс, техник ажиллагаа гэх мэт олон чухал зүйлүүдийн ард эрэмбэлэгддэг болчихож. Тэгэхээр энэ удаад Д.Үүрийнтуяа өөрийнх нь хэлсэнчлэн “энд шашин мэт ямар нэгэн утга агуулга, бэлгэдэл байхгүй зүгээр л өөр хоорондоо хамааралгүй урьдчилан төлөвлөөгүй замбараагүй дүрсүүдийг тэгш хэмт зохиомжид оруулсан” бүтээл хийхээр шийдэж. Урлаг бол нөр их хөдөлмөр мөн ч заримдаа юуг ч хүчлэлгүй зүгээр л өөрийгөө чагнах амсхийлт ч үүнд багтана.


Дармын Батбаяр зохиолчийн нэг номонд шувуу зурах гэж байгаа зураач эхлээд тор зураад түүнийгээ байгальд аваачиж тавиад далдаас шувуу орохыг харж, хүлээх хэрэгтэй. Хэрэв торонд ямар нэг шувуу орвол шувуугаа үргээлгүйгээр тороо балруулдан арилгаж чадаж гэмээн сая жинхэнэ, амьд шувуу болно хэмээн маш урнаар зүйрлэсэн шиг…


Мартын Батзориг

Орчуулгыг Будсүрэнгийн Дашдулам


Уран бүтээл Үүрийнтуяа нь олон улсад танигдсан цөөхөн монгол уран бүтээлчдийн нэг юм. Түүний нэрийг Японы Фукуока Азийн Урлагийн Музей Ази тивийн шилдэг 100 эмэгтэй уран бүтээлчийн нэг хэмээн хоёр удаа дурдьсан байдаг. Мөн түүний “Баялагт хүрэх зам” бүтээл нь 2015 онд Австралийн Куинсланд мужийн орчин үеийн урлагийн музейгээс зохион байгуулсан Ази, Номхон далайн триеналийн нүүр хуудас болж байлаа.

E-FLUX: Five Heads (Tavan Tolgoi)—Art, Anthropology and Mongol Futurism

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E-Flux: Five Heads (Tavan Tolgoi)—Art, Anthropology and Mongol Futurism

by Philomena Epps

Artists: Nomin Bold and Baatarzorig Batjargal, Bumochir Dulam, Yuri Pattison, Hedwig Waters, Dolgor Ser Od & Marc Schmitz (with Nomadic Vitrine), Rebecca Empson, Deborah Tchoudjinoff, Lauren Bonilla, Tuguldur Yondonjamts, Rebekah Plueckhahn

“Five Heads (Tavan Tolgoi)” opens with video Gee, Ulaanbaatar, October 2017 (2018), an interview with the Mongolian rapper Big Gee filmed by artist and researcher Hermione Spriggs (who curated the exhibition) with Alice Armstrong and Curtis Tamm. Gee reflects on the complicated relationship between the Mongolian government, population, and the rapid economic and political changes in the country—themes which are further explored by the other works in the show. “In 2011, foreigners used to call Mongolia mine-golia,” Gee says. The country’s government told people they would get rich from mining. In fact, the selling of mining resources caused environmental degradation and starved citizens of any benefit. By 2015, the miners had relocated, leaving a polluted landscape and a country in debt.

“Five Heads (Tavan Tolgoi)” emerged from an ongoing, five-year research project led by anthropologist Rebecca Empson in the Department of Anthropology at University College London (UCL). As part of the research, five artists and artist collectives were paired with five anthropologists—all of whom are carrying out fieldwork in Mongolia on its volatile economy and vast mineral reserves—to conceptualize and critically engage with the possibilities of financial and political crisis. The Tavan Tolgoi that lends the exhibition its title is Mongolia’s most significant coalfield; the “five heads” are five mineral-rich mounds. A book published by Sternberg Press documents the exchange process between the artists and anthropologists in more detail, offering critical and theoretical essays on aesthetics of estrangement, geo-ontology, speculative post-capitalist futures, and alternative strategies for survival. Although not a prerequisite—the exhibition is rigorous and intriguing—viewers would need to read these essays to understand the full depth and range of the research involved in the UCL project, which is only obliquely touched upon in the art itself.

Tuguldur Yondonjamts’s digital print on mylar, 78-291, 875-953, 3006-3106 (Mirror Princess) (2018), which resembles an enlarged roll of analogue film, explores notions of mapping. The work was inspired by the artist’s collaboration with anthropologist Rebekah Plueckhahn, in which they walked throughout Zuun Ail, an area in Ulaanbaatar that is being swiftly redeveloped. Yondonjamts also has shares in the Tavan Tolgoi mine, demonstrating his involvement in repurposing the complicated economy latent within the mineral resources, and coal pigment is used in the print. Thinking about alternative modes of cartography, Yondonjamts explores three parts of a “Khan Kharangue,” a Mongolian poem and singing ritual whose title could be translated as “Darkest Dark,” transposed into the binary music of the morin khuur string instrument. Yuri Pattison’s pick, press, fang feng (the new economy) (2018) also takes an emblematic object of Mongolia as its starting point: the medicinal root Fang Feng. An LCD video monitor laid flat on the floor shows fuzzy footage of undergrowth and foliage with a pill press—frozen in motion, with crushed powder and scattered tablets spilling out—standing on its screen. Fang Feng is traded to China and sold internationally as a Western pharmaceutical product, one of many legal and illegal commodities being extracted from Mongolia to alleviate its debt.

In his two lurid acrylic paintings—“MNG 1 & 2” (2018)—Baatarzorig Batjargal converges the hallmarks of “One Day in Mongolia” genre painting, which depicts scenes of nomadic life, with contemporary Western references. There is a cruel-looking Mickey Mouse and a ghoulish Uncle Sam alongside suited men with the heads of deer or reptiles. These figure are a response to Bumochir Dulam’s research into a ritualized “spiritual cleansing” of former Mongolian Prime Minister Chimediin Saikhanbileg after he signed a deal to deregulate international interests at the Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold mine in 2015. The neoliberal economy is signified as a psychedelic landscape on the brink of conflict and collapse: the mountains are inhabited by dogs, while a surreal mix of hybrid beings and monstrous creatures war and flee.

Dolgor Ser-Od and Marc Schmitz’s assemblage North of the North Pole (in memory of Rasmussen) (2018) is housed in Andrew Gillespie’s roaming project Nomadic Vitrine (2016–ongoing), a display case that travels between venues, featuring different artists’ work each time. Ser-Od and Schmitz’s chosen found objects, which are displayed like museum specimens, include 24k plated copper, bronze, gold rocks, iodine, drawings, and various objects such as a cracked iPhone, a pair of boots, and two large calligraphic brushes. It’s a riff on colonial discovery (and extraction) that is also suggestive of a fantasy of elsewhere—north of the North Pole. The ideas of reciprocity and exchange integral to sharing across disciplines and borders, meanwhile, are encapsulated by Deborah Tchoudjinoff’s Baigala (2018). Comprising five VR headsets connected to saddle-like stools, the work immerses viewers in scenes of everyday life in western Mongolia, such as sitting drinking tea in a yurt. Regardless of how oblique the anthropological research can feel in relation to other works in the exhibition, Baigala transmits a direct line to a community of people who are often silenced or repressed by their country, allowing the images to speak for themselves, and encouraging viewers to observe, study, and imagine.

Find article at E-Flux

OCULA: Artist Enkhbold Togmidshiirev at Yinchuan Biennale

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Enkhbold Togmidshiirev’s installation My Ger (2017–2018) at Yinchuan Biennale (image source Ocula)

OCULA: Yinchuan Biennale – ‘Starting from the Desert. Ecologies on the Edge’

Hovering above sprinkler-coaxed beds of grass, the curved architecture of MOCA Yinchuan alludes to the topography of its more natural, flanking geographies: the desert and the marshland, divided by the Yellow River in China’s northwestern Ningxia province.

The question of nomadism is addressed in a ground-floor gallery darkened by a portion of deep grey walls. A wooden, canvas-covered yurt sits beside nine metal pales filled with water, upon which are laid two wooden poles with what appear to be yak’s hooves at each end. A sheepskin rug, bamboo mat and video depicting the yurt across Mongolian landscapes, are tucked into Enkhbold Togmidshiirev’s installation My Ger (2017–2018), which constitutes part of the artist’s decade-long focus on the structure and tradition of the Mongolian yurt. Over his career, Togmidshiirev has transported portable yurts across different urban settings around the world—initiating a contrast between their organic form and hard urban structures to highlight the way in which traditional, rural nomadism has become a foreign manner of existence in the contemporary world.

Read full article here

Shijirbaatar Jambaldorj | Chill & Lull | Jun 28 – Jul 13, 2018

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Yo.Tuguldur, G.Munkhbolor and B.Bat-Erdene

Jan 20 – Feb 1, 2020

Shijirbaatar Jambaldorj | Chill & Lull | Jun 28 – Jul 13, 2018


J. Shijirbaatar graduated from the Mongolian University of Arts and Culture in 2010 and gained notoriety within few years while working as an independent artist. His refusal from traditional painting techniques led him to experiment with more abstract forms and techniques such as the mix of collage, photo prints, as well as oil painting. Though his works from the last 6 years seem to have an appearance of simplicity, the techniques involved in producing those pieces add a new level of complexity. Most often, Shijirbaatar’s works deal with the inner world of humans and how it is manifested through physical appearances. The subjects of his pieces seem to have a conversation amongst themselves as well as the audience.


Created, not from a momentary leap of emotion, but rather from a space of long contemplation and planning, Shijirbaatar’s works speak of the flow of time and the changes it impose on people, and the connection between a distant memory and how it’s viewed through a lens of the current time.




Жамбалдоржын Шижирбаатар | Жихүүцэл – Тайвшрал | 2018 ны VI.28-VII.13


Ж.Шижиржбаатар нь соёл урлагийн дээд сургуулийг 2010 онд төсгч бие даасан уран бүтээлчээр ажилласаар цөөхөн жилийн дотор нилээд жинтэй уран бүтээлч болон хөгжсөн түүний шинэхэн бүтээлүүдийг энэхүү үзэсгэлэнгээс харж болно. Шижиржбаатар уламжлалт уран зургийн арга барилаас татгалзаж цаасан эвлүүлэг, фото хэвлэл, бар зэрэг аргачлалыг тосон будгийн ажилагаатай хослуулан нилээд абстрактжуу, энгийн мэт харагдах ч төвөгтэй ажиллагаатай бүтээлүүдээ сүүлийн 6 жилийн туршид тууривж иржээ. Түүний бүтээлүүд хүний дотоод ертөнц, тэр нь гадаад төрх дээрээ хэрхэн илэрч байдаг талаар өгүүлж, бас бүтээл дэх объектууд өөр хоорондоо, бас үзэгчтэй ярилцана.


Хоромхон зуурын сэтгэл хөдлөлд автан бүтээл тууривахаас илүүтэй, урт удаан хугацааны туршид бодож боловсруулж, цэгцэлж ажилладаг түүний бүтээлүүдээс цаг хугацааг даган хувьч өөрчлөгдөх хүмүүсийн тухай, он цагийн тэртээх дурсамж, түүний талаархи одоо цагийн бодол зэрэг мэдрэгдэнэ.

Nathalie Daoust | China Dolls | Jun 12 – Jun 26, 2018

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Yo.Tuguldur, G.Munkhbolor and B.Bat-Erdene

Jan 20 – Feb 1, 2020

Nathalie Daoust | China Dolls | Jun 12 – Jun 26, 2018


Daoust travelled to China in 2006 for an artist residency with the Red Gate Gallery and fell in love with the culture.  Since then, she has looked for any excuse to return to China and has spent many months exploring the country.


Over the years, Daoust has become more and more intrigued by the role that women play in Chinese society and how quickly this role is changing.  Daoust has explored how the one-child policy has impacted women, conditioning them to place value on male while rejecting female offspring.

Intrigued by this new generation of women and their struggle in the modern world, Daoust sought to photograph them individually, documenting their separate stories within an overcrowded society.   Using a specially constructed human-sized box, Daoust placed her female subjects in the dark, alone with their thoughts, while she photographed them with light painting.


The photographic installation comprises twenty-eight portraits of black-and-white and hand coloured prints.  In this collection, Daoust pays homage to the women that have long remained in the shadows.  Fleeting and delicate, the body of work serves as a perspective on the young women of China, struggling to find their identity in a rapidly changing country.  From one portrait to the next, we find dreamy, impressionistic, subtle and even melancholic images that serve to illustrate, from both an historical and contemporary perspective, the women who are now uprooting themselves from former constraints.


Exhibition is curated by Gantuya Badamgarav


“Her most conceptually complex project to date, Korean Dreams, explores the meaning of fantasy itself.  While in North Korea she experienced the manipulation of reality on a national scale; her photographs capture the layers of forced illusion perpetuated by the North Korean government.

Employing a variety of non-digital means to address her subjects, Daoust’s methods play a crucial role in communicating content. Using specialized darkroom techniques, the process of creating the image itself contributes to her conceptual explorations.  She is the recipient of numerous awards, and her work has been extensively showcased and published worldwide.”

– Samantha Small


About the Artist


A graduate of the Cégep du Vieux in Montreal, Canadian photographer Nathalie Daoust launched into public consciousness in 1999 with the surreal series New York Hotel Story.  This sequence of photographs investigates the Carlton Arms Hotel’s 54 uniquely decorated rooms. The resultant images establish Daoust as a photographer capable of cutting beneath the surface to expose her subject’s hidden desires. Her images are portals, allowing the viewer to glimpse a world divorced from reality, one that flickers from childlike wonderment to perversion.


Daoust is led by her need to understand the human impulse to construct experiences that allow us to live, at least for a moment, in a fictive world.  From female dominatrices at an S&M Love Hotel in Japan in Tokyo Hotel Story, to one man’s decision to discard his own identity in favor of another in Impersonating Mao, her work inhabits the liminal space between fiction and truth.

Натали Доустын | Хятад Хүүхэлдэйнүүд


Гараар өнгөлсөн, хар цагаан, хорин найман ширхэг хэвлэмэл хөрөг зураг үзэсгэлэнд тавигдах ба эдгээрийг урт хугацааны туршид нийгмийн сүүдэрт дарагдан амьдарч ирсэн хятад хүүхнүүдэд зориулан бүтээжээ. Зэрмэгхэн, зөөлөн харагдах хөргүүд өнөөгийн хурдацтай өөрчлөлтөн дунд өөрийгөө олох гэж ядаж буй хятад эмэгтэйчүүдийн тухай өгүүлнэ. Хөргөөс хөрөгт шилжин ажихад зүүдний мэт, эмзэг бас гунигтай дүрүүд харагдаж, өнгөрсөн цагийн шахалт хавчилтаас өөрийгөө чөлөөлөн гаргахыг хүсэн тэмүүлж буй эмэгтэйчүүдийг түүхэн болоод өнөөгийн өнцгөөс харж болох юм.


Канадын Монтреаль хотын Cégep du Vieux коллежийг дүүргэсэн уран бүтээлч Натали Доуст нь өөрийн бүтээлүүдээ дэлхийн өнцөг булан бүрт дэлгэн үзүүлж, олон удаа шагнал хүртэж, олон улсын хэвлэл мэдээллээр бичигдэж байжээ.

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Chadraabal Adiyabazar | Myandag | May 17 – Jun 7, 2018

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Yo.Tuguldur, G.Munkhbolor and B.Bat-Erdene

Jan 20 – Feb 1, 2020

Chadraabal Adiyabazar | Myandag | May 17 – Jun 7, 2018


For over 10 years, A. Chadraabal has gained a widespread recognition and appreacation for his works portraying animals such as horses, bulls, and camels. For the artist, these subjects have come to symbolise the correspondesnce between nature and humanity, depiciting the wind, the air, and the human spirit. Born in 1979 in the city of Zuunmod, Tuv Province, he grew up in the countryside surrounded by nature and the nomadic culture. This upbringing would later come to have a great influence on his artistic works. Moreover, Chadraabal’s father, Adiyabazar is a well-known Mongolian artist, who had played an important role on his decicision to become an artist.


After graduating from the National Pedagogical University in 2001 with a degree in Fine Arts, Chadraabal has continued to hone his craft and produce artworks. He has had over 15 solo exhibitions in Mongolia, France, Germany, China, South Korea, Russia, Australia, and the UAE, as well as taking part in over 50 joint exhibitions organized in Mongolia, Japan, Romania, Singapore, China, Russia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Taiwan, Germany, and France.


Chadraabal’s solo show MYANDAG will exhibit his newest pieces that were created within a span of a year. Even though Chadraabal’s previous works were dominated by symbolism and figurism, his latest works take a more abstract turn emphasizing the rhythm and interplay of  color. Inspired by the German artist Gerhard Richter, Chadraabal combined Richter’s techniques with the Mongolian practice of using ink to create a new form of expression that conveys changes in his feelings and moods across his daily life.


While still creating artworks, A. Chadraabal also taught at the Fine Arts Department of the Mongolian State University of Education between 2001 and 2007. From 2004 to 2009, he served as a Board Member and as the head of Union of Young Artists under the Union of Mongolian Artists, later serving as the Director of Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery from 2009 until 2013 and as the Chairman of the Union of Mongolian Artists Board and as a member of the Association of Asian Art Museum Directors from 2010 to 2013. With a Master’s Degree in Art History, A. Chadraabal is currently working as the Chairman of the Mongolian Council of the Asian Art Association, and since 2013 has also been serving as the Chairman of the International Federation of Artists in Mongolia.

Адъяабазарын Чадраабал | Мяндаг | 2018 оны V.17-VI.07


Уран бүтээлч А.Чадраабал нь бух, морь, буурны дүрслэл бүхий бүтээлүүдээ 10 гаруй жилийн туршид туурвиж олны танил болсон. Эдгээр дүрслэлүүд нь түүний хувьд байгаль дэлхийтэй харьцах харьцаа, салхи, агаар, эр хүний хийморь лундаа зэргийг илэрхийлдэг. Төв аймгийн Зуунмод хотод 1979 онд төрж өссөн тэрээр хөдөө нутаг, байгаль, нүүдлийн ахуйтай ойр амьдарч, бага насандаа үзэж туулсан бүхэн нь түүний бүтээлд нөлөөлсөөр иржээ. Чадраабалын эцэг Адъяабазар монголд нэртэй зураач ба хүүгээ уран бүтээлч болоход нь ихээхэн нөлөө үзүүлсэн аж.


Багшийн дээд сургуулийн уран зургийн ангийг 2001 онд дүүргэсэн цагаас хойш уран бүтээлч Чадраабал нь бие даасан үзэсгэлэнгээ Монгол, Франц, Герман, Хятад, Солонгос, Орос, Авсрали, Арабын Эмират улсуудад 15 удаа зохион байгуулж, Монгол Япон, Румын, Сингапур, Хятад, Орос, Бангладеш, Тайланд, Тайван, Герман, Франц зэрэг орнуудад зохион байгуулагдсан 50 гаруй хамтарсан үзэсгэлэнд өөрийн бүтээлээ дэлгэн үзүүлсэн юм.


Энэ удаагийн МЯНДАГ бие даасан үзэсгэлэнгээр түүний сүүлийн нэг жилийн туршид туурвисан абстракт бүтээлүүдийг дэлгэн үзүүлж байна. Чадраабалын өмнөх бүтээлүүд нь илүү дүрслэл дээр тулгуурласан, бэлэгдлийн чанартай байсан бол шинэ ажлуудаас нь өнгөний тоглолт, хэмнэлийг илүү мэдрэх боломжтой. Германы уран бүтээлч Герхард Риштерийн арга техникийг нарийн судалж, бэхээр зурах монгол арга ажиллагааг хослуулан тууривсан эдгээр бүтээлүүдээс уран бүтээлчийн өөрийнх нь өдөр тутмын амьдрал, сэтгэл зүйн өөрчлөлтүүдийг өнгө, хэмнэл бүрээс нь уншиж болно.


А.Чадраабал нь уран бүтээлээ туурвихын зэрэгцээ 2001-2007 онд Монгол улсын Боловсролын их сургуульд Дүрслэх урлагийн тэнхмийн багш, 2004-2009 онд МУЭ-ийн Залуу уран бүтээлчдийн нэгдлийн тэргүүлэгч гишүүн, тэргүүн, 2009-2013 онд Монголын уран зургийн галерейн захирал, 2010-2013 онд МУЭ-ийн Хорооны тэргүүлэгч гишүүн, Азийн урлагийн музейн захирлуудын холбооны гишүүнээр тус тус ажилласан. Урлаг судлалын ухааны  магистр цолтой тэрээр одоо Азийн уран бүтээлчдийн холбооны монгол дахь зөвлөлийн тэргүүн, 2013 оноос Олон улсын уран бүтээлчдийн Монголын Холбооны тэргүүнээр ажиллаж байна.

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Erdene Sukhbaatar | O | Apr 24 – May 16, 2018

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Yo.Tuguldur, G.Munkhbolor and B.Bat-Erdene

Jan 20 – Feb 1, 2020

Erdene Sukhbaatar | O | Apr 24 – May 16, 2018


Human bodies and faces reveal naked truths of our inner souls, reflecting underlying subconscious desires and feelings derived from physical and spiritual merging. New works to be displayed in exhibition “O” is about naked truths of our souls.


Artist S.Erdene graduated from the Mongolian State University of Culture and Art in 2012 with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. He started his artistic career right after graduation, working in his rental studio.


At the earlier stages of his career, Erdene has predominantly used vivid colors and cubist shapes which later gradually evolved into softer, less defined forms. Shapes of human bodies, faces and organs created by thick brushstrokes using a calligraphic technique, create a sense of overlap and dissolution into one another.



Сүхбаатарын Эрдэнэ | О | 2018 оны IV.24-V.16


Оюун санаа, бие мах бодиороо нэгэн бие болж уусах мөчүүд, ухаангүй хүслийн гүнд хадгалагдах нууж үл болом хүчтэй мэдрэмжүүд, хүмүүний дотоод сэтгэлийн хувирлууд нь бие болон царай төрхөөр дамжин гадагшилж бидний нүцгэн үнэнийг илчилнэ. “O” үзэсгэлэнд тавигдах бүтээлүүд тэрхүү нүцгэн үнэний тухай өгүүлнэ.


Уран бүтээлч С.Эрдэнэ нь СУИС-ын дэргэдэх Дүрслэх урлагийн сургуулийн уран зургийн ангийг 2012 онд баклаврын зэрэгтэй дүүргэсэн. Төгсмөгцөө урлан түрээсэлж бие даан өөрийн бүтээлээ тууриваж эхэлсэн юм.


Түүний эхэн үеийн бүтээлүүдэд хатуу хэллэг, хурц тод өнгө давамгайлж байсан бол ажиллах арга барил нь яваандаа хувьсан өөрчлөгдсөөр илүү зөөлөн, сүлэлдсэн, хүний бие сэтгэл, оюун санаа руу өнгийсөн бүтээлүүдийг тууривах болсон байна. Холилдож сүлэлдэн, уусаж нэгэндээ орох мэт сэтгэгдлийг төрүүлсэн хүний бие, нүүр, эрхтний дүрслэлүүд нь “калиграфлаг” тосон будгийн бичилтээр амилснаар нийтлэг бус, онцгой шинжийг бүрдүүлжээ.

Speaking Lights and Shadows – Contemporary Art of Mongolia VI | Apr 4 – Apr 21, 2018

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Yo.Tuguldur, G.Munkhbolor and B.Bat-Erdene

Jan 20 – Feb 1, 2020

Speaking Lights and Shadows – Contemporary Art of Mongolia VI | Apr 4 – Apr 21, 2018


Art Space 976+ is pleased to announce “Speaking Lights and Shadows in Contemporary Art of Mongolia VI”, a group exhibition by Munkhtsetseg Jalkhaajav, Tuguldur Yondonjamts and Bat-Erdene Batchuluun.


Contemporary Art of Mongolia is an annual exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of 976 Art Gallery. The exhibition was first conceived in 2013 with an aim to explore and showcase most recent works and trends in Mongolian contemporary art. The 6th installment of the exhibition will focus on various artistic practices involving the use of lights and shadows as a medium of creative expression.

Гэрэл Сүүдрийн Хүүрнэл – Монголын Эрин Цагийн Урлаг VI | 2018 оны IV.4-IV.21


Art Space 976+ нь уран бүтээлч Жалхаажавын Мөнхцэцэг, Ёндонжамцын Төгөлдөр, Батчулууны Бат-Эрдэнэ нарын “Гэрэл Сүүдрийн Хүүрнэл” буюу Монголын Эрин Цагийн Урлаг VI үзэсгэлэнгийн нээлтийг удахгүй хийх гэж байна.


2013 оноос эхэлсэн “Монголын Контемпорари Урлаг” нэртэй цуврал үзэсгэлэнг 976 галерейг үүсгэн байгуулсан ойд зориулан жил бүр зохион байгуулж ирсэн ба монголын контемпорари уран бүтээлчдийн сүүлийн үед тууривсан шилдэг, шинэ бүтээлүүдийг нээн, олон нийтэд дэлгэн үзүүлэх зорилготой юм. Энэхүү 6 дахь удаагийн үзэсгэлэнд тавигдах бүтээлүүд нь гэрэл, сүүдрийг хэрхэн илэрхийлэх хэрэгсэл болгон ашиглаж байгаа өөр өөр туршлагыг харуулах юм.

Otgontuvden Badam | March 8 | Mar 2 – Mar 26, 2018

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Yo.Tuguldur, G.Munkhbolor and B.Bat-Erdene

Jan 20 – Feb 1, 2020

Otgontuvden Badam | March 8 | Mar 2 – Mar 26, 2018


B. Otgontuvden’s works often depict historic events and portraits, moreover the Mongolian lifestyle. However, the works shown in the exhibition have taken a rather minimal aesthetic turn, exuding a feeling of gentle calmness.



Б.Отгонтүвдэн | Март 8 | 2018 оны III.8-III.26


Уран бүтээлч Б.Отгонтүвдэн нь монгол ахуй, хөрөг болон түүхэн бүтээлүүдээр олны танил болж байсан бол энэ удаад гарах үзэсгэлэн дээр тавигдах бүтээлүүд нь нилээд минимал шинжтэй болж ирсний сацуу зөөлөн, тайвшрам мэдрэмжийг өгөх аж.