Baatarzorig Batjargal Courtesy of Jack Bell Gallery
Wall Street International Magazine: Baatarzorig Batjargal, 12 — 25 Apr 2019 at the Jack Bell Gallery in London, United Kingdom
Batjargal draws on the techniques of Mongol Zurag painting to address the broader history of Mongolia’s development over the past century. The Zurag painting style first emerged during the Mongolian independence movement in the early 20th Century. Originally an art form to express the ideals of secular nationalism, today Batjargal has breathed new life into the medium.
During a time of unprecedented urbanization, the artist addresses the contradictions of his own environment and its transformation from past to present. Panning through the repressions of Soviet style communism to the inequalities and consumerism of global capitalism, Batjargal offers narratives concerned with the loss of traditional heritage. In a rich tapestry of various regimes, the portraits in his recent series include gods, holy men, artists, intellectuals, warriors, noblemen, politicians and oligarchs.
Batjargal was born 1983 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. He is a BA graduate from School of Fine Arts at the Mongolian University of Arts and Culture.